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What Does Money Mean to You? Have you decided that money is more valuable than you?
“Money is never the problem in our lives,” says Gary Douglas.
“It’s about what we’re willing to receive. And what we’re willing to receive is just a choice.” What are you choosing to receive? Are you choosing to have money in your life?
What if generating money and having money was fun and joyful? What if, in having fun and joy with money, you receive more of it? What would that be like?
Money follows joy; joy does not follow money. Do you only generate enough money to “get by?” Have you made having money unattainable? What if you could generate obscene amounts of wealth easily and joyfully? Most programs about money deal with saving or investing; they do not address how to make money a reality in your life.
Right Riches for You contains a unique set of practical tools and energetic processes you can use to unlock the areas of your life where you limit the amount of money you can have and receive. The Right for You tools empower you to change your financial situation with ease and permanence. It’s simply a choice.
What are you choosing?
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