
SOP Private session

What contribution can this private session be for you, your sweet body and your living?

If you prefer a combination of SOP and verbal processes, that’s possible.
If you prefer a verbal process or a clearing private session, that’s possible too and the SOP will be active during this private session.

This private session is approx 30 minutes and you can choose the topic.


What if every molecule is waiting to contribute to you?

Symphony Of Possibilities (SOP or Symphony) is an energetic session that opens up more space. A door will open up for you that you didn’t realize exists. It seems like every molecule is contributing to you to actualize what you would like.

During this private session, we’ll dive into a topic of your choice. What can we create during this session?
What magic awaits for you to be discovered?

Symphony Of Possibility (SOP) is an energetic session that could be done and received from a distance.
What can this Symphony private session and I contribute to you?

What magic awaits for you to be discovered?


Who is Sylvia?

The first Symphony of Possibilities class she took was also the first in Europe, this was in autumn 2016. The last Symphony/SOP class she took was summer 2021. She loves playing with the energy of Symphony, at a distance via video call or in person.

Sylvia loves to gift and receive a Symphony session, every time she gifts a session more awareness shows up. A door or a window of possibilities becomes visible, it’s up to the receiver to step into possibilities.

A Symphony session always creates more, sometimes you can perceive that immediately and sometimes it takes a little bit of time. 

Are you ready to open up more possibilities with Sylvia?

You can see the available time here, the booking of your time slot is only set when the payment has been made.

When you pay here above, you’ll get the link to schedule your private session.

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